Easily deploy Dask on job queuing systems like PBS, Slurm, MOAB, SGE, LSF, and HTCondor.
The dask-jobqueue
project makes it easy to deploy Dask on common job queuing
systems typically found in high performance supercomputers, academic research
institutions, and other clusters.
There are two common deployment patterns for Dask on HPC, Dynamic Clusters and Batch Runners, and dask-jobqueue
has support for both.
Dynamic Clusters¶
A Dynamic Cluster is a Dask cluster where new workers can be added dynamically while the cluster is running.
In an HPC environment this generally means that the Dask Scheduler is run in the same location as the client code, usually on a single compute node. Then workers for the Dask cluster are submitted as additional jobs to the job queue scheduler.
This pattern works well on clusters where it is favourable to submit many small jobs.
srun -n 1 dynamic_workload.py
# dynamic_workload.py
from dask_jobqueue.slurm import SLURMCluster
cluster = SLURMCluster()
cluster.adapt(minimum=1, maximum=10) # Tells Dask to call `srun -n 1 ...` when it needs new workers
from dask.distributed import Client
client = Client(cluster) # Connect this local process to remote workers
import dask.array as da
x = ... # Dask commands now use these distributed resources
Clusters can autoscale as a workload progresses.
Small gaps in the HPC that would be otherwise unused can be backfilled.
A workload can run slowly with a few workers during busy times and then scale up during quiet times.
Workloads in intaractive environments can scale up and down as users run code manually.
You don’t need to wait for all nodes to be available before your workload starts, so jobs often start sooner.
To learn more see the Dynamic Cluster documentation.
Batch Runners¶
A Batch Runner is a Dask cluster where the whole workload, including the client code, scheduler and workers are submitted as a single allocation to the job queue scheduler. All of the processes within the workload coordinate during startup and then work together to compute the Dask workload.
This pattern works well where large jobs are prioritised and node locality is important.
srun -n 12 python batch_workload.py
# batch_workload.py
from dask_jobqueue.slurm import SLURMRunner
cluster = SLURMRunner() # Boostraps all the processes into a client + scheduler + 10 workers
# Only the client process will continue past this point
from dask.distributed import Client
client = Client(cluster) # Connect this client process to remote workers
import dask.array as da
x = ... # Dask commands now use these distributed resources
Workers are generally colocated physically on the machine, so communication is faster, expecially with UCX.
Submitting many small jobs can be frowned upon on some HPCs, submitting a single large job is more typical of other HPC workloads.
All workers are guaranteed to be available when the job starts which can avoid oversubscribing workers.
Clusters comprised of one large allocation tends to be more reliable than many small allocations.
All processes have the same start and wall time.
To learn more see the Batch Runner documentation.
More details¶
A good entry point to know more about how to use dask-jobqueue
Talks & Tutorials.
Getting Started
Dynamic Clusters
Batch Runners
Help & Reference