.. _how-this-works: How this works ============== Scheduler and jobs ------------------ Dask-jobqueue creates a Dask Scheduler in the Python process where the cluster object is instantiated: .. code-block:: python cluster = PBSCluster( # <-- scheduler started here cores=24, memory='100GB', shebang='#!/usr/bin/env zsh', # default is bash processes=6, local_directory='$TMPDIR', resource_spec='select=1:ncpus=24:mem=100GB', queue='regular', account='my-account', walltime='02:00:00', ) These parameters specify the characteristics of a *single job* or a *single compute node*, rather than the characteristics of your computation as a whole. It hasn't actually launched any jobs yet. For the full computation, you will then ask for a number of jobs using the ``scale`` command: .. code-block:: python cluster.scale(jobs=2) # launch 2 jobs, each of which starts 6 worker processes cluster.scale(cores=48) # Or specify cores or memory directly cluster.scale(memory="200 GB") # Or specify cores or memory directly You can either specify the number of jobs, or the total number of cores or memory that you want. The cluster generates a traditional job script and submits that an appropriate number of times to the job queue. You can see the job script that it will generate as follows: .. code-block:: python >>> print(cluster.job_script()) .. code-block:: bash #!/usr/bin/env zsh #PBS -N dask-worker #PBS -q regular #PBS -A P48500028 #PBS -l select=1:ncpus=24:mem=100G #PBS -l walltime=02:00:00 /home/username/path/to/bin/dask-worker tcp:// --nthreads 4 --nworkers 6 --memory-limit 18.66GB --name dask-worker-3 --death-timeout 60 Each of these jobs are sent to the job queue independently and, once that job starts, a dask-worker process will start up and connect back to the scheduler running within this process. If the job queue is busy then it's possible that the workers will take a while to get through or that not all of them arrive. In practice we find that because dask-jobqueue submits many small jobs rather than a single large one workers are often able to start relatively quickly. This will depend on the state of your cluster's job queue though. When the cluster object goes away, either because you delete it or because you close your Python program, it will send a signal to the workers to shut down. If for some reason this signal does not get through then workers will kill themselves after 60 seconds of waiting for a non-existent scheduler. Workers vs Jobs --------------- In dask-distributed, a ``Worker`` is a Python object and node in a dask ``Cluster`` that serves two purposes, 1) serve data, and 2) perform computations. ``Jobs`` are resources submitted to, and managed by, the job queueing system (e.g. PBS, SGE, etc.). In dask-jobqueue, a single ``Job`` may include one or more ``Workers``.